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Sally Wright

Seven Ways COVID Changed Housing Trends

                               Our take on the housing market Property prices are supposed to decline when interest rates go up!! It has not happened this time, rates have increased by 4.1% since May 2023 and prices have been resilient, in fact prices have increased

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Sally Wright

Cash Flow vs. Profit: What’s the Difference?

If you’ve been around any financially-inclined people, you’ll likely have heard them throw around terms like cash flow and profit. People within the business community instantly understand these terms. However, to those who don’t know about the business world, these terms can seem similar. Cash flow and profit both hold importance in the business world.

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Sally Wright

How to Fund Your Business

Everyone dreams of starting a venture. Whether that’s to have autonomy or some other reason, people often gravitate towards entrepreneurship as a career path. Statistics show that 27 percent of Australians have started at least one business in their lifetimes. While not all of their entrepreneurial ventures may have paid dividends, it’s apparent that Australians are

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Sally Wright

Ways to Keep Your Company’s Cash Flowing

Whether your business is growing at a rampant pace or is static and stable, cash flow problems that can hit any company, regardless of its financial standing. Most cash flow problems take place when a company’s finances, investing activities, and operations aren’t managed properly. Here are some ways you can improve your company’s cash flow; Minimise

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Sally Wright

10 Tax Minimisation Strategies for High Income Earners

If you are a high-income earner, it is reasonable to implement tax minimisation strategies. Effective tax planning with a qualified accountant/tax specialist can help you to do that. Tax planning benefits Effective tax planning can help you: to legally minimise your tax. have more money available to build your individual wealth. to avoid any penalties

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Sally Wright

Tips to Maximise Your Tax Return

Nobody enjoys it when tax time rolls around. Unfortunately, you can’t get out of it either. Therefore, instead of dreading filing taxes, you can focus on how to maximise your tax refund. We’ll be discussing various tips that help you achieve that. These include: Working from Home Many people have been working from home –

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Sally Wright

Tax Deductions You Can Claim on an Investment Property

Real estate has always been popular with investors. Investors prefer real estate over other asset classes for various reasons. For starters, real estate is a tangible asset. In addition, renting out your investment property is an excellent way to create a passive income stream. Hence, you’ll often see people exploring real estate as a viable

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