Business Sales & Purchases

Business Sales & Purchase Support

Everest Tax & Property provides business sales advisory support to buyers and sellers throughout Australia.

We have assisted vendors to prepare their businesses for sale, list and advertise the business and then negotiate the business sale process.

On the buyer side, we have assisted in locating and contacting potential purchase opportunities, conducting a thorough due diligence process and then assisting in the purchase and integration of the new business.

Our experienced team have a deep knowledge of small to medium businesses with a specialty in businesses sub 20 million, if the opportunity you are looking at is above that level then feel free to reach out as we have some great contacts we can refer you to but it is not the core of what we provide. 

Working with Vendors

From a Vendors point of view we have worked with small and medium businesses to execute their exit plan including:

Working with Vendors

From a Vendors point of view we have worked with small and medium businesses to execute their exit plan including:

  • Approaching potential buyers within the target market
  • Exchange of confidentiality agreements
  • Assisting with marketing and negotiation including a heads of agreement
  • Assessing the tax consequences of the sale to ensure you have minimised the tax consequences
  • Finalising contract negotiations and assisting with executing the final transaction
  • Working with you to develop an exit strategy to ensure that your business is set up to achieve maximum value at the sale
  • Identification and evaluation of potential buyers or targets to approach
  • Working with owners to create a professional Prospectus/Information
  • Memorandum and other sale documentation to present your businesses
  • Preparing a business valuation and targeted earnings multiple

Always keep in mind the main reason a business fails to sell is that it is not packaged as an attractive investment-grade asset. This is akin to selling a second-hand car when it is covered in mud and smells like an old boot. The first step before you put your business on the market is to make sure the business can be shown as a valuable asset and that a purchaser can see value in the acquisition. 

Working with Purchasers

From a Business Purchase point of view we work with purchasers on executing a proper Due Diligence Procedure including:

Working with Purchasers

From a Business Purchase point of view we work with purchasers on executing a proper Due Diligence Procedure including:

  • Negotiate a heads of agreement
  • Assessing the tax consequences of the purchase
  • Managing legal, commercial and strategic due diligence
  • Finalising contract negotiations 
  • An initial review of of the business including a purchase valuation of the business/shares
  • Identifying the risks and opportunities that exist within the business
  • Develop a competitor analysis and compare this business purchase against others in the industry

For more information about the business sales process please download our detailed PDF Document explaining how the process works in a bit more detail examining from a financial and legal point of view.

The Everest Tax & Property Advisory team is here to help you with your exit plan, mergers and acquisitions.

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